Uploading Tests (or Test Pools) in Blackboard Using Excel
Uploading questions in Blackboard’s Test Manager offers a faster way to create a test or
survey than entering questions one at a time. Additionally, you will have a backup copy of
your test giving you an easy way to add new questions or edit existing ones as the class
changes term to term.
The following instructions explain how to upload test questions (or Test Pools) using
Microsoft Excel. These instructions will work on either a Mac or PC.
Step one: Create the test file in Excel. Enter the following for each question in
separate columns:
A. In column A, enter the question type (see legend below)
B. In column B enter the question
C. In columns C and beyond, enter responses (see example below).
1. True/False questions: enter the correct response
2. Essay questions: Leave column C blank
3. Multiple choice / multiple answer questions: enter choices in separate
columns with either correct or incorrect in the adjacent column of each choice
4. Ordering and matching questions: enter answers in the correct order;
Blackboard will scramble them for you
Legend: TF = True or False ESS = Essay question MC = Multiple Choice MA = Multiple
Answers ORD = Ordering MAT = Matching FIB = Fill in the blank
Step 2: Save the file as a Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt). Excel will warn you about losing
features using this format. Click “Yes” to confirm this selection. (Remember where you save
the file!)
Step 3: Select how you want to upload the file, as a test or as a test pool
Log into Blackboard, open your course, and navigate to the Control panel.
A. To upload the file as a test . . .
A. Click on Course Tools
B. Click on Tests, Surveys, and Pools
C. Click on Tests
D. Click Build Test, enter the test name with description and
instructions, click Submit, and the Test Canvas will open
E. Click the Upload Questions button
F. Browse to the location where you saved the test, click Open
G. Enter the points to assign each question and click Submit
B. To upload the file as a test pool . . .
A. Click on Course Tools
B. Click on Tests, Surveys, and Pools
C. Click on Pools
D. Click Build Pool, enter the test name with description and
instructions, click Submit, and the Test Canvas will open
E. Click the Upload Questions button
F. Browse to the location where you saved the test, click Open
G. Enter the points to assign each question and click Submit
About test pools
Test Questions can be added into Pools so they can be stored for repeated use. Pools act
like repositories for sets of questions. Pools can be imported and exported for reuse.
Questions in Pools are linked to Tests or Surveys when they are added to these
assessments; Pool questions are only presented to Students when they are included in a
Test or Survey.
For example, suppose you have 50 questions related to a certain learning unit, but only
want to use five on a quiz. By setting up the quiz to draw five questions from a pool
Blackboard will select five random questions to present during the quiz. This feature means
students will see a different quiz each time it launches.
If the uploaded test questions were formatted correctly the upload will be successful.