Travel and Logistics
Medicine in the Wild
April 7 – May 2, 2019
Flight Arrival in Tucson
You should arrive at the Tucson airport on April 6
in time to meet the 3:00pm shuttle. If you cannot schedule your
flight to meet the shuttle, please call us before making reservations. The shuttle will take you to the NOLS
Southwest branch, where dinner and lodging will be provided for the first evening. The drive is about 30 minutes long.
Upon arrival at NOLS Southwest you will meet fellow course participants, have dinner and prepare for the next day’s
course orientation, gear issuing and rations issuing.
Shuttle Information
NOLS Southwest is providing a shuttle from the airport to NOLS Southwest. Shuttle pickup time is 3:00pm. To locate
the shuttle after you arrive in Tucson, please look for someone in the baggage claim area #1 holding a NOLS sign. The
cost of the shuttle is included in your course tuition. (The second portion of the round-trip shuttle leg is from NOLS
Southwest to the Holiday Inn Express after your course is completed.) Please return the Travel Itinerary form to let us
know your travel plans.
Driving Directions
Your destination is the NOLS Southwest campus located at 2751 N Soldier Trail, Tucson, AZ 85749.
The First Few Days
The first few days will be very busy. In the evening of your arrival, you will meet your instructors, other expedition
members, the NOLS Southwest in-town staff and have dinner. Tents will be set up ready for your arrival, and we will
provide you with your needs for camping that night. The next morning will start with breakfast, followed by a course
orientation. The rest of the day will be spent issuing equipment to be used for the classroom and expedition sections,
and also preparing food and supplies for the wilderness expedition section. The Wilderness Medicine classroom section
begins at 8am the following morning.
Lodging is provided in tents. Sleeping bags, pads, extra layers, and supplies may be acquired from NOLS Southwest on
your first day. Shower facilities are separate from lodging, so you may also wish to bring flip-flops or shower shoes.
Environmental Studies Day
On April 13
, you will participate in an environmental studies and natural history training day.
Final Day
On May 2
, you will be picked up from the Gila Wilderness and transported back to NOLS Southwest. Upon arrival,
you will clean all the group equipment used during the course and return any rental gear. During this time, you will also
have an opportunity to purchase any remaining equipment or memorabilia from the gear store. After lunch, you will
debrief your course experience with a member of the NOLS administration. Later that afternoon, staff and instructors
will join you in celebrating your success. There will be a graduation "ceremony" and dinner cookout where diplomas
are awarded. Your instructors will then transport you to the Holiday Inn Express Hotel at approximately 6:00pm. This
marks the official end of the course.
The last day will be busy. All travel arrangements for departing Tucson should be made for the morning after
your course ends.
End of Course Lodging
You will need to make reservations for the night of May 2
The Holiday Inn Express—Tucson Airport
2548 E. Medina Road
Tucson, AZ 85706
(520) 889-6600
The hotel provides a complimentary airport shuttle and continental breakfast.
Receiving Mail
You will be able to receive mail before and after your course. However, you will not receive mail while you are in the
field. Please inform your family and friends that the letters and packages they send to you must include your course
code. The student mail address is:
Your Name
MED 4/7/19
2751 North Soldier Trail
Tucson, AZ 85749
Other Communications and Contact
As a NOLS student, you will not be able to be contacted by phone or receive regular mail or email while in the
backcountry. NOLS Southwest has public wireless internet and three desktop computers with internet access for
students. There will be no internet access while in the backcountry or on the road. In the event of a serious emergency
at home, all efforts will be made to contact you in the field. NOLS does not permit students to carry their own
cell phones, smartphones, or personal locator beacons (PLBs) in the backcountry.
Luggage, Valuables and Vehicles
We have storage lockers available for you to store personal gear and extra clothing while you are in the backcountry.
Please try to limit items to one or two duffels or suitcases, as space is limited. Your valuables (plane tickets, credit cards,
money) can also be placed in a separate lockable storage safe and held for you at NOLS Southwest. Although due care
will be taken, NOLS assumes no liability for lost, stolen, or damaged personal property while in our care. You
may want to obtain personal insurance to cover such risks. Free long-term parking is available at NOLS Southwest
while on your course.
Prescription Drugs
If you are taking a prescription drug or other medications of any kind, please make sure they are listed on your health
form and that you inform your instructors during your orientation meeting on the first day. This includes epinephrine
for allergic reactions. If you are prescribed epinephrine, make sure you bring it even if you have not needed to use it
before. Such information and medication could be critical in an emergency situation. You should plan to bring extra
doses of your medication with you in case some is lost or damaged in the backcountry
Miscellaneous Expenses
You are advised to bring enough cash and/or credit cards to cover miscellaneous expenses encountered while traveling
to and from Tucson. These potential expenses include phone calls, lodging costs in Tucson before and after the course,
airport shuttle fees, laundry, meals while traveling, and any non-course related expenses. There are several ATMs within
walking distance of the Holiday Inn Express. Suggested minimum: $250
If Delayed
If your travel to Tucson is delayed because of weather or other reasons and you will not be able to make the meeting
time, please call the NOLS Southwest office in Tucson at (520) 749-0955.