Brieng Note
For up-to-date knowledge relating to healthy public policy
A Framework for Analyzing Public Policies:
Practical Guide
September 2012
Public health actors in public, community and
academic networks may be called upon to work
on public policies and, within the context of this
work, to interact with policy makers at different
levels (municipal, provincial, etc.). However, they
often find that the content of their discourse does
not meet all the information needs of these
decision makers.
This document presents a structured process
based on an analytical framework that reflects a
public health perspective, while at the same time
integrating other concerns of policy makers. The
document addresses four questions:
What public policies does this analytical
framework apply to?
In what types of situations is it useful?
Which policy facets does it focus on?
How is the analysis carried out?
An analytical framework for what
type of public policy?
“Public policy” here refers to “a strategic action
led by a public authority in order to limit or
increase the presence of certain phenomena
within the population” (National Collaborating
Centre for Healthy Public Policy [NCCHPP],
2012). More specifically, the proposed framework
is designed to analyze healthy (or presumed to
be healthy) public policies.
Definition of healthy public policy proposed by
Milio (2001, p. 622):
Healthy public policy improves the conditions
under which people live: secure, safe, adequate
and sustainable livelihoods, lifestyles, and
environments, including, housing, education,
nutrition, information exchange, child care,
transportation, and necessary community and
personal social and health services.
Healthy public policies can be generated by and
implemented in various sectors. Their expected
impact on health derives from their impact on
living conditions, which in turn strongly influence
Carrying out an analysis of public
policies: in which situations is this
Usually, public health actors do not have the
power to make public policy decisions, and they
represent only one voice among many: policy
making is influenced by numerous groups and
organizations with an interest in the outcome
(Milio, 2001). It is therefore important to present
the public health perspective while remaining
aware of the other perspectives being expressed
and how these may resonate with policy makers.
Given this context, the analysis of public policies
proves useful, particularly in the following
1) Before the decision to adopt a public policy is
There are several possible scenarios:
You must inform a decision maker about
the relevance of adopting a particular
public policy. You do not have a particular
bias with regard to this policy and the aim
is simply to provide the decision maker with
the information needed to make an
informed decision. The proposed
framework allows for such a structured
To address a public health problem, you
wish to promote the adoption of a public
policy; you are thus consciously playing
the role of advocate, guided by your
organization’s mission. Applying the
analytical framework to the policy clarifies
its implications, which helps you prepare
your supporting arguments and advocacy
You wish to compare public policies. The
goal may be to inform the decision-making
process when there are several competing
options, or earlier in the process, to decide
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2 Briefing Note
A Framework for Analyzing Public Policies: Practical Guide
which policy should be the focus of in-depth
study or of advocacy efforts (such a reflection
is useful when resources are limited). The
analytical framework provides a common
structure for summarizing the advantages and
limitations of the proposed policies, with
regard to various aspects relevant to decision
2) To analyze a policy already being implemented
You are required to evaluate a public policy, for
example, to help determine whether or not it
should be prolonged or to identify its weaknesses
so they can be corrected. An evaluation could
focus on many aspects; the analytical framework
presents a range of possible evaluation questions,
from among which those most relevant to the
context at hand may be chosen.
What do we want to know about the
public policy under study? Description
of the analytical framework
In the field of public health, the evidence-informed
approach to decision making has been favoured.
This approach places emphasis on examining the
effectiveness of the options being considered.
Similarly, many governments have set out to analyze
policies and programs to determine “what works”
(Nutley, Walter, & Davies, 2007).
Issues related to the implementation of a public
policy must also be identified so that its chances of
success can be assessed and its implementation
properly planned. Data related to this topic are even
more sought after by policy makers, who are held
accountable and are subject to various pressures,
which accounts for their concern to anticipate how
stakeholders are likely to react to a given policy.
Thus the need for a two-pronged analysis, focused
at once on the effects of the policy being studied and
on the issues surrounding its implementation.
Drawing on work in the field of political science
(Salamon, 2002) and on policies aimed at combating
obesity (Swinburn, Gill, & Kumanyika, 2005), we
have broken down these two axes into six analytical
dimensions that influence decision-making about
public policies (Table 1): effectiveness, unintended
effects, equity, cost, feasibility and acceptability.
The question of durability, that is, the capacity to be
sustained over time, cuts across all six dimensions.
In concrete terms, this means documenting the
capacity of the policy being studied to remain in
effect and to continue producing effects over time.
To guide the analysis, we have specified, for each
dimension, specific elements that should be
considered and these are presented below.
See the Appendix for a summary list in the form of questions to
be asked.
Table 1 Dimensions for analyzing public policies
Effectiveness What effects does the policy have on the targeted health problem?
Unintended effects What are the unintended effects of this policy?
Equity What are the effects of this policy on different groups?
Cost What is the financial cost of this policy?
Feasibility Is this policy technically feasible?
Acceptability Do the relevant stakeholders view the policy as acceptable?
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Briefing Note 3
A Framework for Analyzing Public Policies: Practical Guide
Figure 1 Example of a public policy logic model: Nutrition labelling
of healthier
of obesity
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The first element used to assess the success of a
public policy is its effectiveness at achieving its
objective (Salamon, 2002); in the case of healthy
public policies, the objective is to prevent or remedy
a health problem,
or to otherwise promote health. It
is also necessary to report a possible absence of
effects, or negative effects of the policy under study
that would aggravate the targeted problem.
Example of “negative effectiveness”:
if banning the sale of certain substances to minors
(alcohol, tobacco), instead of reducing consumption by
this group, increases consumption because some
adolescents are attracted by the forbidden.
However, it is often difficult to judge the ultimate
effects of a policy: it can take time before they can
be observed; moreover, it is not easy to prove the
existence of a cause and effect relationship because
public policies represent only one of a multitude of
factors that simultaneously influence the targeted
problem (Milton, Moonan, Taylor-Robinson, &
Whitehead, 2011). In addition, published evidence
examining the link between public policies and their
ultimate effects is scarce. Hence the value of taking
into account intermediate effects. To do so, it is
necessary to deconstruct the chain of expected
effects between the public policy under study and
the targeted problem. A useful way to visualize this
chain of effects is to represent it in the form of a logic
These neutral or negative effects are recorded under the
"Effectiveness" dimension because they are measured against
the objective being pursued by the policy under study. On the
other hand, all other effects (positive or negative) that are
produced by the policy, but that do not relate to the objective
pursued, are classified under “Unintended effects” (see page 4,
model (Figure 1). The logic model represents the
theory, the expected effects; the analysis must
attempt to verify the extent to which these effects are
in reality produced. Such an analysis of intermediate
effects strengthens the assumption of causality:
because they are less “distant,” their cause-effect
relationship with the policy under study is easier to
establish; and if it can be shown that the policy is
effective up to a certain point in the chain of effects,
then its actual contribution to the ultimate effect can
be more readily assessed. Moreover, specifying the
intermediate effects makes it possible to more
precisely identify steps that do not function well, and
thus problems that must be resolved.
The logic model also makes it possible to judge the
plausibility of the intervention logic: does the
chain of effects make sense? This approach can be
used as a last resort to assess whether a policy
seems promising when no data on its effectiveness
is available yet (Swinburn et al., 2005).
Another element of analysis: the same policy
implemented in two different contexts might not
produce the same effects. It is therefore useful to
gather as much information as possible about the
influence of the implementation context on
effectiveness, to be able to form judgements about
the transferability of a policy from one context to
another (Kok, Vaandrager, Bal, & Schuit, 2012;
Pawson, 2006; Rychetnik, Frommer, Hawe, & Shiell,
2002; Tugwell et al., 2010).
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4 Briefing Note
A Framework for Analyzing Public Policies: Practical Guide
Example of effectiveness varying according to context:
In a setting that includes few destinations of interest
within a distance that people are prepared to travel by
bicycle (for example in suburbs), installing bike paths
will be less likely to stimulate active transportation than
in urban centres where a range of destinations are
located within a short distance.
Finally, the distribution of effects over time is
important: the time required before effects can be
observed (Gardner & Barnes, 2012), their potential
fluctuation from one period to another, their ability to
persist or, conversely, the time horizon after which
the effects dissipate may all be considered.
Consideration is given here to all the effects that are
produced by implementing the public policy under
study, but that are unrelated to the objective pursued
(in other words, the effects that are external to the
chain of effects represented by the logic model).
Given the complexity of human societies, it is
impossible to control a policy so fully as to ensure
that it produces only the desired effect, and no other.
Unintended effects can be positive or negative
(Rychetnik et al., 2002) and can be produced in all
kinds of areas: effects on health that are unrelated to
the problem targeted, economic, political, or
environmental effects, effects on social relations, etc.
Example of a positive unintended effect:
Nutrition labelling tends to raise awareness and lead
consumers to demand healthier food. The food industry
is then prompted to modify its products (for example, by
reducing their salt content). Such reformulation
automatically improves food, even for consumers who
do not make use of nutritional information.
Example of a negative unintended effect:
If nutrition labelling leads consumers to reject certain
rather unhealthy foods, it can result in revenue losses
for their producers and eventually in job losses, if they
scale back their activities.
It is useful not only to identify unintended effects, but
also to gather (insofar as possible) information on
complementary measures that could mitigate any
negative unintended effects.
The aim is to determine whether the policy being
analyzed produces different effects on various
groups (categorized by age, gender, socioeconomic
status, ethnicity, religion, residence in certain zones,
sexual orientation, disabilities, etc.), or whether it
could potentially create, increase or correct
inequalities in the distribution of the targeted
problem (Milton et al., 2011; Swinburn et al., 2005;
Tugwell et al., 2010; Oxman, Lavis, Lewin, &
Fretheim, 2009). It is very important to take into
account equity and not only general effectiveness
because, often, public policies improve population
health in terms of the overall average, but at the
same time deepen social inequalities in health
(Potvin, Ridde, & Mantoura, 2008).
Nutrition labelling has proven to be less effective among
those with less education and lower incomes, whereas
these groups are already generally more affected by the
problems of overweight and obesity.
When considering financial costs, we tend to think
first of the cost incurred by government in
implementing the policy under study. However, on
the one hand, a policy can also generate gains; and
on the other hand, it is also necessary to consider
the costs for other actors (Salamon, 2002).
For the government, a new tax involves implementation
costs, but mainly entails revenues; and for the actors to
which it applies (consumers, businesses, etc.), it entails
A policy that helps prevent a health problem leads to
savings (in the medium or long term) by decreasing
health costs and maintaining the productivity of persons
who would otherwise fall ill.
It is important to analyze the distribution over time
of costs (one-time or recurring, immediate or
deferred costs, short- or long-term investments)
(Pineault & Daveluy, 1986), as well as their visibility,
that is, the degree to which costs are apparent or
hidden (Salamon, 2002; Peters, 2002). These two
factors strongly influence the way stakeholders react
to a given policy.
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Briefing Note 5
A Framework for Analyzing Public Policies: Practical Guide
Example of low-visibility costs:
The food industry bears most of the cost related to
nutrition labelling on its products, but can choose to
pass this cost on by increasing prices. Consumers
doubtless notice such price increases, but have no way
of knowing that the increases are related to nutrition
The relative cost can also be examined by
comparing the cost of the policy under study with the
cost of other potential policies or with that of inaction
(in the latter case, there is no implementation cost,
but instead the ongoing costs associated with the
neglected problem). The cost data and the
effectiveness data of the various options must be
(Pineault & Daveluy, 1986;
Drummond, Sculpher, Torrance, O'Brien, & Stoddart,
This dimension is about examining the technical
feasibility of the policy being analyzed, and this is
tied to a series of elements of varying character.
On a strictly practical level, feasibility depends on the
availability of the required resources, including
personnel, material resources and “technology” (in
the broad sense) (Pineault & Daveluy, 1986;
Sabatier & Mazmanian, 1995; Swinburn et al., 2005).
It is also necessary to verify whether the proposed
public policy is in conformity with existing
legislation (Pineault & Daveluy, 1986; Buffet, Ciliska,
& Thomas, 2011). In particular, the distribution of
responsibilities between levels of government
(municipal, provincial, federal) must be considered.
In addition, if the policy requires the involvement of
several other sectors besides that of health, the
limits of each one’s mandate must be respected. In
other words, not only must the proposed policy not
contradict the laws and regulations in effect, it must
also target the “right” decision maker for adoption,
failing which it could be contested on the basis of
legal arguments.
In this type of analysis, the measure of effectiveness can be
expressed in different forms: as a health indicator (for example:
number of strokes prevented); or as the number of quality-
adjusted life years gained (QALY); or else, converted into a
dollar value.
At the end of the 2000’s in the United States, many
municipalities that had adopted regulations requiring
fast food restaurants to display the caloric values of
their menu items were challenged in court by the
restaurant industry. The latter argued that these
regulations violated the preemption principle (which
prohibits the adoption of laws or regulations on matters
that are already the subject of legislation at a higher
level), since a federal law already regulated nutrition
labelling on pre-packaged foods.
The pre-existence of pilot programs is both an
indication of the feasibility of a public policy
addressing the same issue and a facilitating factor, if
this policy can benefit from the experience and the
implementation structure of these programs
(Swinburn et al., 2005).
The extent to which the implementation of the policy
under study can be managed by existing
administrative mechanisms must also be
considered: this can enhance feasibility, unless the
objectives and priorities of the existing provisions do
not correspond closely enough to those of the new
policy (Buffet et al., 2011; Sabatier & Mazmanian,
1995; Salamon, 2002).
Another question: will the government authority
promoting a given policy also be the one to
implement it? It is simpler to manage
implementation in such cases (Salamon, 2002).
However, implementation often falls to other actors.
The more numerous these are, the more
complicated implementation can be, because it is
necessary to negotiate these actors’ involvement
and to ensure that they respect their commitment to
act in pursuit of the desired objective. In such
situations, it is necessary to ask whether those
spearheading the public policy can rely on an
appropriate system of incentives and sanctions
to guide the activities of the other actors
involved in implementation (Sabatier &
Mazmanian, 1995).
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6 Briefing Note
A Framework for Analyzing Public Policies: Practical Guide
In Canada, nutrition labelling on pre-packaged foods
(the Nutrition Facts table) is regulated by Health
Canada. But in reality, it is implemented by a multiplicity
of agri-food companies, who are required to carry out
nutritional analyses of their products and to display the
results on their labels. The Canadian Food Inspection
Agency ensures that these companies comply with the
regulations in effect.
The quality of the cooperation between the actors
involved in implementation has a concrete impact on
a policy’s feasibility (Salamon, 2002; Pineault &
Daveluy, 1986; Swinburn et al., 2005). Inversely, the
ability of opponents to interfere is an equally
important factor; especially since the opponents of a
public policy are often more active, over a longer
period, than its partisans (Sabatier & Mazmanian,
Acceptability refers to how the proposed public policy
is judged by stakeholders
Examples of stakeholders’ interests:
A policy maker assesses whether adopting a particular
policy could lead to a loss or a gain in votes during the
next election. Certain agri-food companies might fear
losing revenues if a nutrition labelling policy were to
highlight the poor nutritional quality of their products.
(Swinburn et al., 2005).
Thus, it focuses on subjective elements (the
judgement of actors). In addition, it partly depends
on factors that are external to the policy under
analysis, because the position of each actor is
determined by his or her knowledge, beliefs, values
and interests, be these political, economic, symbolic,
or otherwise defined (Peters, 2002).
Examples of values:
Persons who value equity are more likely to support
redistributive policies. Inversely, libertarians oppose, on
principle, government intervention, regardless of its aim.
A policy that does not garner enough support
(including the support of public opinion, of those with
economic and financial power, etc.) is likely to have
difficulty being adopted and implemented, and may
thus have difficulty producing the desired effects
(Salamon, 2002). However, weak acceptability does
not necessarily mean the policy should be shelved;
Please note that the terms “stakeholders” and “actors” are
used interchangeably in this document.
in fact, the analysis performed can help decision
makers zero in on how to present the policy to
stakeholders in a way that addresses their respective
concerns and reduces their reticence.
How is acceptability analyzed? First, the actors
concerned by the objectives or the implementation of
the policy under study must be identified (Rychetnik
et al., 2002).
Examples of stakeholders:
The groups directly targeted by a policy, the wider
public, ministries, municipalities, other policy makers,
professionals from the relevant public sectors (for
example, health, education, transport), funding
agencies, industry, the media, political organizations,
etc. (Swinburn et al., 2005).
Next, so far as possible, the acceptability of the
policy under study to each of these actors, including
the policy maker one is addressing, should be
First, what is known about the acceptability of
acting on the targeted health problem: do the
relevant actors think this problem merits public
Next, in their opinion, how acceptable is the
proposed public policy, as compared with other
potential policies aimed at combating the problem?
Each actor tends to construct his or her own
definition of the targeted problem and its causes,
and this affects which solutions will be seen to be
appropriate for addressing the problem (Rein &
Schon, 2005).
Actors' reactions are largely based on their
assessment of the other analytical dimensions:
do they believe that the proposed policy is effective,
that its unintended effects are acceptable, that it is
equitable, that its cost is reasonable, and that it is
feasible? Since it is based on their perception, their
judgement might not correspond to the “objective”
data on these aspects. But it should not be
discounted: in the eyes of policy makers,
stakeholders’ perceptions often take precedence
over other data (Sabatier & Mazmanian, 1995).
Another important aspect is the degree of coercion
associated with the proposed policy. There exists a
spectrum of policies, including less coercive policies
(for example: information campaigns), moderately
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Briefing Note 7
A Framework for Analyzing Public Policies: Practical Guide
coercive policies (for example: a public subsidy to
encourage a certain kind of behaviour), and more
coercive policies (for example: regulations prohibiting
or making mandatory certain behaviours) (Salamon,
2002). Because the most coercive policies restrict
individual liberty, they are poorly tolerated by some
actors; decision makers are aware of these reactions,
and often choose the least coercive option, or a
combination of coercive measures and informative
measures or incentives (De Leeuw, 2007; Milio,
2001; Sabatier & Mazmanian, 1995).
Finally, stakeholders form judgements about the
conditions surrounding the adoption and
implementation of a proposed policy, based on: the
legitimacy they ascribe to the decision-making
process; their perception of the legitimacy and the
abilities of the actors who will be in charge of
implementing the policy; and their assessment of the
accountability measures established (Sabatier &
Mazmanian, 1995; Salamon, 2002).
Socioeconomic, political, and technological changes
can bring about changes in acceptability (Sabatier
& Mazmanian, 1995). Thus, it is important to
document its level not only at the time a public policy
is adopted, but also throughout its implementation.
As Figure 2 illustrates, all of the analytical
dimensions influence acceptability, because on their
assessment of the other dimensions. Inversely, a
public policy’s degree of acceptability can have a
bearing on its feasibility: if certain actors view a
policy unfavourably (“Acceptability” dimension), they
may decide to take action to impede its
implementation ("Feasibility" dimension). Moreover,
the more compromised a policy’s feasibility, the
greater the risk that its implementation will entail
additional costs. Finally, implementation conditions
collectively influence a public policy’s ability to
produce results.
How is the analysis carried out?
The various options
The analytical framework makes it possible to get a
complete overview of the implications of the policy
under study. However, one may decide to document
only certain analytical dimensions, for strategic
reasons (if one judges the other dimensions to be
less critical given one’s decision-making context) or
for practical reasons (lack of time or resources
needed for a complete analysis). What is important is
to carefully consider each analytical dimension
before setting it aside, and to be aware of the
limitations that this imposes.
In practice, one is rarely able to document all the
elements associated with each analytical dimension.
The summary list of questions (see Appendix) is
indicative in nature: the aim is to answer as many
questions as possible, but the analysis produced
often includes gaps.
Inversely, this list does not claim to be exhaustive.
One can always add questions one considers to be
important to the analysis, given the context.
= influence
Figure 2 Relationships between the six analytical dimensions
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8 Briefing Note
A Framework for Analyzing Public Policies: Practical Guide
How and where does one find the information
needed to analyze a public policy? Several possible
approaches are presented in Table 2 (see page 9),
which indicates, for each approach:
the time required: from preparing for data
collection, to collecting and analyzing data;
if the method requires specific competencies;
the scientific robustness of the analysis produced,
defined here by the extent to which bias is
minimized and a variety of sources is used to
ensure the information presented is as complete
as possible;
the relevance, given the proposed
implementation context of the policy being
analyzed: to what extent does the analysis rely on
local data, rather than on data produced
In general, a balance must be struck between the
resources invested in an analysis and the resulting
robustness. The appropriate data collection method
depends on the situation. For example, if the
proposed policy is likely to be highly contested
during the decision-making process, one must
present very credible evidence, even if this requires
using a method that demands more resources.
One may also use different methods to explore
different analytical dimensions. Scientific data is
preferable for a more rigorous verification of a public
policy’s effectiveness and equity-related issues;
whereas, even informal knowledge can allow for
adequate clarification of other dimensions.
Usually, the information is presented in narrative
form: the quantitative and qualitative data collected
on each dimension are synthesized in a text.
It should be noted that the boundaries between
analytical dimensions are not rigid: if certain
information skirts the border between two
dimensions, it can be associated with one or the
other, as one sees fit. The aim is simply to organize
the data collected into coherent groups. The
exception to this principle of flexibility is the
“Acceptability" dimension, which requires careful
processing of the related data.
A scientific study establishes that a public policy is
effective at reducing the prevalence of obesity by 5%.
=> Information to be classified under the “Effectiveness”
An association of nutritionists supports the same policy
as an effective option for reducing obesity.
=> Information to be classified under the “Acceptability
dimension, because it indicates the position of this
stakeholder and, potentially, the way it might
intervene during the decision-making process.
It is important to distinguish between these two pieces
of information and their very different natures.
When comparing several options, and in particular
when choosing a public policy to prioritize over
others, a better overview can be obtained by
summarizing the information gathered on each
dimension in the form of a scorecard (Table 3).
Nevertheless, the decision must be made by
comparing a heterogeneous array of results for six
dimensions of varying natures. Thus, it is to be
expected that each actor involved in the decision-
making process will implicitly establish his or her own
hierarchy of importance for the dimensions. The
process of prioritizing public policies will be made
more transparent if the stakeholders involved in the
decision-making process openly discuss the weight
they assign to each dimension and try to form a
consensus on this subject.
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Briefing Note 9
A Framework for Analyzing Public Policies: Practical Guide
Table 2 Data collection methods
(1 minimal to
5 maximal)
Attempt to answer the
questions in the summary
list (see Appendix).
A few hours No 1
(Informal knowledge,
a single source)
Attempt to answer the
questions in the summary
From a few
hours to a
few days
No 2
(Informal knowledge,
but the confluence of
several sources
enriches reflection)
Consultation with
an expert
Use the summary list as
an interview guide or as a
grid to fill out.
A few days No 3
(Expert knowledge,
but only one source)
Depends on
whether the
understands the
context well.
Bring together
representatives of the
relevant stakeholders (for
example: experts,
decision makers, civil
society actors). The
facilitator stimulates
discussion among
participants by referring to
the summary list. After the
meeting, the statements
gathered are classified
under the various
dimensions of the
analytical framework.
A few weeks
Analysis /
synthesis of a
significant amount
of data
(Several types of
expertise, interaction
between several
Literature review
The questions in the
summary list are
answered by referring to
published data. Since
peer-reviewed scientific
literature tends to focus
on the evaluation of
effects, it is advisable to
also explore the grey
literature to document the
other dimensions
(research reports with
more detail than scientific
articles; opinion polls or
public declarations to
document acceptability,
A few
Analysis /
synthesis of a
significant amount
of data
(Numerous sources,
credibility of scientific
methodical process)
Yes if the data
are drawn from
the applicable
Otherwise, see to
what extent data
elsewhere (for
example, in
another country
that has
implemented the
policy under
study) can be
For more information on deliberative processes and how to organize them, see: Gauvin (2009); Gauvin (2010); Lavis, Boyko, Oxman,
Lewin & Fretheim (2009).
For more information on producing literature reviews on public policies, see Morestin, Gauvin, Hogue & Benoit (2010), Section 3.3.
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10 Briefing Note
A Framework for Analyzing Public Policies: Practical Guide
Table 2 Data collection methods (cont.)
(1 minimal to
5 maximal)
Methods for
processes (for
example: the
An approach that
combines a literature
review and the
organization of
deliberative processes.
A few
Analysis /
synthesis of a
significant amount
of data
(Numerous sources
and perspectives,
expert knowledge,
credibility of scientific
methodical process)
Yes, due to
For more information, see Morestin et al. (2010).
Table 3 Presentation using scoring
Equity Cost Feasibility Acceptability
The analytical framework proposed here constitutes
a tool that is both structured and flexible. On the one
hand, it is intended as a structured guide for all those
who are called upon to represent the public health
perspective to policy makers. On the other hand, it
can be adapted according to the information needs
of each decision-making context and according to
the resources available for carrying out the analysis.
Buffet, C., Ciliska, D., & Thomas, H. (2011). It
worked there. Will it work here? A tool for
assessing Applicability and Transferability of
Evidence (A: When considering starting a new
program). Hamilton: National Collaborating
Centre for Methods and Tools. Retrieved
De Leeuw, E. (2007). Policies for health. The
effectiveness of their development, adoption,
and implementation. In D. V. McQueen & C. M.
Jones (Eds.), Global perspectives on health
promotion effectiveness (pp. 51-66). New
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A Framework for Analyzing Public Policies: Practical Guide
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Tel: 514 864-1600 ext. 3615 Fax: 514 864-5180 Email: [email protected]
12 Briefing Note
A Framework for Analyzing Public Policies: Practical Guide
Summary list Dimensions for analyzing public policies
Reminder: For each dimension, consider the associated durability.
What are the effects of the public policy under study (positive, neutral, negative) on the targeted health problem?
How effective is this policy in terms of its intermediate effects?
Is the intervention logic of this policy plausible?
How does the implementation context influence this policy’s effectiveness?
How much time is needed before effects can be observed? Do the effects persist over time?
Unintended effects
Does the policy under study produce unintended effects, whether positive or negative?
How can the negative unintended effects be mitigated?
What are the effects (intended or unintended) of the policy under study on different groups?
Does this policy create, reinforce or correct social inequalities in health?
What are the financial costs and gains for the government? For other actors (industry, community organizations,
consumers, taxpayers, etc.)?
How are the costs distributed over time?
To what extent are the costs apparent?
How do the costs of the policy under study compare with those of other potential policies, including that of inaction?
What is the cost-effectiveness of the policy under study for the government, for society?
Are the required human, material, and technological resources available?
Does the policy being studied fall under the legal jurisdiction of the authority who wishes to adopt it? Is it in
conformity with existing legislation?
Is this policy a follow-up to a pilot program?
Can this policy be administered by pre-existing mechanisms?
Is the authority promoting this policy also the one that will implement it?
If not, how many different actors are involved in implementing this policy? Are they effectively guided by the policy’s
promoters? Do they cooperate well?
Do the opponents of this policy have the ability to interfere with its adoption, its implementation?
Which actors are or would be affected by the public policy under consideration?
Is the problem targeted by this policy considered a social issue that requires intervention? What are stakeholders’
reactions to the idea of intervening to address this problem?
How do stakeholders think the issue should be addressed?
What do stakeholders think of the proposed policy? Of its effectiveness, its unintended effects, its equitability, its
cost, and its feasibility? Of the degree of coercion it involves?
What do stakeholders think of the conditions surrounding adoption and implementation of this policy?
Can the policy’s acceptability evolve during the period in which it is being implemented?
September 2012
Author: Florence Morestin, National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy
The author would like to thank Émilie Dansereau-Trahan, Gaston Gadoury and Shelley-Rose Hyppolite for their comments on a
preliminary version of this document.
The National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP) seeks to increase the expertise of public health actors across
Canada in healthy public policy through the development, sharing and use of knowledge. The NCCHPP is one of six centres financed
by the Public Health Agency of Canada. The six centres form a network across Canada, each hosted by a different institution and
each focusing on a specific topic linked to public health. In addition to the Centres’ individual contributions, the network of
Collaborating Centres provides focal points for the exchange and common production of knowledge relating to these topics. The
National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy is hosted by the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ), a
leading centre in public health in Canada.
Production of this document has been made possible through a financial contribution from the Public Health Agency of Canada
through funding for the National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP). The views expressed herein do not
necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Publication N°: 1636
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© Gouvernement du Québec (2013)